News - Association Management

Technology Pro Tip: Sharing Passwords? Do So Securely


Copying and pasting passwords in chat windows is a bad idea—but it seems like everyone does it. Using password managers or single-sign-on platforms could help cut down on the insecure copying.



How to Unify Your Staff in Polarized Times


Political divides are starker than ever in the United States. That puts association leaders in a position to lead not just their staffs but their industries.



The Elements Behind a Successful Nine-Day, Multi-Association Virtual Event


The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences typically holds an annual in-person congress that includes events for dozens of its member associations. This year, FHSS helped the groups shift to virtual, welcoming 6,200 attendees over nine days.



Five Ways to Maximize Your Event Apps


If your association has an events app but no in-person events these days, all is not lost—as long as you utilize them for ongoing engagement.



How the Great Outdoors Can Lead to Great Meeting Outcomes


Scientific research underscores the power of open-air gatherings to boost mental health and inspire creative thinking.



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